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Keep track of your creative booster: Boredom

We all know by now that boredom is the mother of creativity. Archimedes in a bath tub, Isaac newton under an apple tree, Einstein working a dull job at the patent office, to name a few who have experienced the phenomenon.
Daydreaming, mind wandering, dazed trance…all these non-activities of a bored mind bring new thoughts, connect unalike ideas together to make new solutions, and allow us to have our…Eureka moments.

In our modern, hyperactive world, it’s hard to find the self-discipline to be bored. The New York Times recently stated that we just need 7 minutes of it to get to the creative point.

Enter Chillkeeper, the app will record all your tuning things out moments wherever you are, you will know how long, where, and be able to share your performances with friends. Guilt out, now chilling is a creative sport!

Start chilling, stop running.